Kind-Eco Partner -description


Kind-Eco Partner (e-Part) Program: Quality Assurance Overview

Groups, businesses, organisation and individuals commit to fostering a sustainable, ethical, and supportive economy that benefits all members of the community.

The Kind-Eco Partner (e-Part) program is designed to engage organisations, groups, businesses and individuals in fostering a sustainable, ethical, and community-focused economy (as donors or recipients). Participants review and agree to the standards of the specific Kind-Eco community in which they will operate. As a pay-it-forward initiative, e-Parts contribute resources towards KE-Investments, which are donations or shares of resources to build opportunities or progress pathways using virtual resources. While repayment of KE-Investments is not compulsory, it is encouraged to maintain the pay-it-forward system and assist others.

Program Standards and Responsibilities:

  1. Standard Review and Agreement:
    All e-Parts must review and agree to the standards set by the Kind-Eco community they wish to participate in. This ensures alignment with the community’s values and goals.

  2. Resource Contribution:
    e-Parts are expected to contribute resources towards KE-Investments. These contributions can include financial donations/repayments, provision of services, or sharing of other resources that support the growth and sustainability of the Kind-Eco community.

  3. Pay-It-Forward System:
    The pay-it-forward system is central to the Kind-Eco ethos. While repayment of KE-Investments is not mandatory, e-Parts are encouraged to repay their contributions when possible to keep the cycle of support ongoing and extend help to more participants.

  4. The 12 Steps of Kind-Eco:
    e-Parts are encouraged to follow the "12 Steps of Kind-Eco", which are designed to integrate kindness into economic practices and foster a supportive, collaborative community:

    1. Admit the Need for Change: Recognise that the current economic system has limitations and that our communities could benefit from integrating kindness into our economy.

    2. Believe in Collective Effort: Come to believe that a collective effort, guided by ethical principles and respect for the planet and its people, can create a sustainable and equitable economy.

    3. Commit to Community Betterment: Make a decision to turn our efforts and resources toward the care and betterment of our communities and environment, as we collectively envision it.

    4. Assess Community Needs: Make a comprehensive and honest assessment of our community's needs and our available resources.

    5. Share Findings Openly: Share our findings and needs with our community members, and openly discuss how we can contribute to addressing these issues together.

    6. Embrace Ethical Practices: Become fully ready to embrace ethical practices, sustainability, and kindness in all our economic activities.

    7. Commit to Improvement: Humbly commit to removing practices and behaviours that do not align with our principles of kindness, sustainability, and respect.

    8. Identify Areas of Support: Make a list of areas and individuals in our community that might need support, and become willing to offer help and resources to them.

    9. Provide Direct Support: Provide direct support to those in need wherever possible, without expecting anything in return, except where such actions might cause harm.

    10. Evaluate and Correct: Continue to evaluate our actions and their impact on the community and the environment, and promptly correct any missteps.

    11. Seek Continuous Improvement: Seek to continuously improve our understanding and implementation of sustainable and ethical practices through education, reflection, and community engagement.

    12. Spread the Message: Having experienced the positive impact of a kind economy, commit to spreading this message, supporting new entrants, and practising these principles in all our economic endeavours.

Quality Assurance Measures from the hub:

  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure that e-Parts adhere to the agreed standards and contribute effectively to the KE-Investments.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement feedback mechanisms to gather input from community members and e-Parts on the effectiveness of the program and areas for improvement.
  • Impact Assessment: Regularly assess the impact of KE-Investments on the community to ensure they are meeting their intended goals and providing meaningful support.
  • Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and updating the program standards and processes based on feedback and impact assessments.

Contact us to start today (as a donor or recipient): click here


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